Author: Borland, M.
Paper Title Page
TUP028 Collimator Irradiation Studies at the Advanced Photon Source 245
  • J.C. Dooling, W. Berg, M. Borland, J.R. Calvey, L. Emery, A.M. Grannan, K.C. Harkay, Y. Lee, R.R. Lindberg, G. Navrotski, V. Sajaev, N. Sereno, J.B. Stevens, Y.P. Sun, K.P. Wootton
    ANL, Lemont, Illinois, USA
  • N.M. Cook
    RadiaSoft LLC, Boulder, Colorado, USA
  • D.W. Lee, S.M. Riedel
    UCSC, Santa Cruz, California, USA
  Funding: Work supported by the U.S. D.O.E.,Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, under contract number DE-AC02- 06CH11357.
We pre­sent re­sults from a re­cent col­li­ma­tor ir­ra­di­a­tion ex­per­i­ment con­ducted in the Ad­vanced Pho­ton Source (APS) stor­age ring. This ex­per­i­ment is the third in a se­ries of stud­ies to ex­am­ine the ef­fects of high-in­ten­sity elec­tron beams on po­ten­tial col­li­ma­tor ma­te­r­ial for the APS-Up­grade (APS-U). The in­tent here is to de­ter­mine if a fan-out kicker can suf­fi­ciently re­duce e-beam power den­sity to pro­tect hor­i­zon­tal col­li­ma­tors planned for the APS-U stor­age-ring. The fan-out kicker (FOK) spreads the bunched-beam ver­ti­cally al­low­ing it to grow in trans­verse di­men­sions prior to strik­ing the col­li­ma­tor. In the pre­sent ex­per­i­ment, one of the two col­li­ma­tor test pieces is fab­ri­cated from oxy­gen-free cop­per; the other from 6061-T6 alu­minum. As in past stud­ies, di­ag­nos­tics in­clude turn-by-turn BPMs, a di­ag­nos­tic image sys­tem, fast beam loss mon­i­tors, a pin-hole cam­era, and a cur­rent mon­i­tor. Post-ir­ra­di­a­tion analy­ses em­ploy mi­croscopy and met­al­lurgy. To avoid con­fu­sion from mul­ti­ple strikes, only three beam aborts are car­ried out on each of the col­li­ma­tor pieces; two with the FOK on and the other with it off. Ob­served hy­dro­dy­namic be­hav­ior will be com­pared with cou­pled codes.
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DOI • reference for this paper ※ doi:10.18429/JACoW-IBIC2023-TUP028  
About • Received ※ 07 September 2023 — Revised ※ 08 September 2023 — Accepted ※ 25 September 2023 — Issue date ※ 29 September 2023
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WEP017 Electron Beam at the Advanced Photon Source Linac Extension Area Beamline 368
  • K.P. Wootton, W. Berg, M. Borland, A.R. Brill, J.M. Byrd, S. Chitra, J.T. Collins, J.C. Dooling, J.N. Edwards, L. Erwin, G.I. Fystro, T. Grabinski, M.J. Henry, E.E. Heyeck, J.E. Hoyt, R.T. Keane, S.H. Lee, J. Lenner, I. Lobach, A.H. Lumpkin, A. Puttkammer, V. Sajaev, N. Sereno, Y. Sun, J. Wang, S.G. Wang, A. Zholents
    ANL, Lemont, Illinois, USA
  Funding: This research used resources of the Advanced Photon Source, operated for the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science by Argonne National Laboratory under Contract No. DE-AC02-06CH11357.
The Linac Ex­ten­sion Area has been de­vel­oped into a beam­line area for test­ing ac­cel­er­a­tor com­po­nents and tech­niques. Be­gin­ning com­mis­sion­ing ac­tiv­i­ties in Feb­ru­ary 2023, we have de­liv­ered the first elec­tron beam to the Linac Ex­ten­sion Area at the Ad­vanced Pho­ton Source at 425 MeV. In the pre­sent work, we out­line the stages of re-com­mis­sion­ing the elec­tron beam­line. We sum­marise mea­sure­ments of the elec­tron beam trans­port through the ac­cel­er­a­tor. We out­line sce­nar­ios used to ver­ify the ad­e­quacy of ra­di­a­tion shield­ing of the beam­line, and mea­sured shield­ing per­for­mance.
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DOI • reference for this paper ※ doi:10.18429/JACoW-IBIC2023-WEP017  
About • Received ※ 10 August 2023 — Revised ※ 08 September 2023 — Accepted ※ 14 September 2023 — Issue date ※ 30 September 2023
Cite • reference for this paper using ※ BibTeX, ※ LaTeX, ※ Text/Word, ※ RIS, ※ EndNote (xml)