Sub-20 fs Synchronization Between Mode-Locked Laser and Radio Frequency Signal
J.G. Wang, B. Liu, W. Wu
SARI-CAS, Pudong, Shanghai, People’s Republic of China
The femtosecond synchronization and distribution system of the Shanghai soft X-ray free-electron laser facility (SXFEL) and Shanghai high repetition rate XFEL and extreme light facility (SHINE) are based on the optical pulse trains generated by passively mode-locked lasers. The passively mode-locked laser has ultralow noise in the high offset frequency (<5 fs, [1 kHz- 1 MHz]). In this paper, we report precise synchronization of the low-noise passively mode-locked laser to the radio frequency (RF) master oscillator. RF-based phase-locked loop scheme, the absolute jitter of the phase-locked passively mode-locked laser is less than 20 fs integrated from 10 Hz up to 1 MHz.
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