Paper | Title | Page |
TUP008 |
Recording Series of Coherent Thz Pulse Shapes with Up to 88 MHz Repetition Rate at Soleil, Using Photonic Time-Stretch | |
Funding: ANR/DFG ULTRASYNC, CEMPI LABEX, CPER Photonic for Society Recording THz signals in single-shot is required in various accelerator applications, including real-time studies of electron bunch shapes, and user-applications employing coherent THz synchrotron radiation. For this purpose, many accelerator facilities have implemented laser-based measurement systems known as electro-optic detection. This consists of ¿imprinting¿ the unknown terahertz waveform on a shot laser pulse, that is subsequently analyzed. Few years ago a new variant of this method, time-stretch electro-optic detection [1,2], has been introduced with the aim to cope with high repetition-rate machines. We present the current record in repetition rate (up to 88 MHz), that has been obtained at the AILES beamline of the SOLEIL facility. We also present the projects aiming at reaching long recording windows and/or high bandwidth [3] using time-stretch, as well as the expected fundamental trade-offs linked to the quest for high repetition rate. [1] E. Roussel et al., Scientific reports 5.1 (2015): 1-8. [2] S. Bielawski et al., Scientific reports 9.1 (2019): 10391. [3] E. Roussel et al., Light: Science & Applications 11.1 (2022): 14. |
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TUP013 |
Diversity Enhanced Electro-Optic Sampling at EuXFEL | |
Electro-optical detection has proven to be a valuable technique to study temporal profiles of THz pulses with pulse durations down to femtoseconds. Recently, a numerical reconstruction strategy called DEOS [1] (Diversity Electro-Optical Sampling) proved to be much more efficient in retrieving ultrafast input signals. First tests at the European X-ray FEL (EuXFEL) in Hamburg show a 200 fs temporal resolution over more than 10 ps recording length. This technique, however, requires to measure both orthogonal polarizations of the sampling laser pulse simultaneously. Further adaptations to the existing design of the compact EOD bunch length monitor [2] are needed to fully implement the new measurement strategy, which will be presented in this paper.
[1] E. Roussel, C. Szwaj, C. Evain, B. Steffen, C. Gerth, B. Jalali and S. Bielawski, Light Sci. Appl., vol. 11, p. 14, 2022. doi:10.1038/s41377-021-00696-2 [2] B. Steffen, Ch. Gerth, M. Caselle, M. Felber, T. Kozak, D. R. Makowski, U. Mavric, A. Mielczarek, P. Peier, K. Przygoda, and L. Rota, Sci. Instrum., vol 91, p. 045123, 2020. doi:10.1063/1.5142833 |
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