An Experimental Setup for PIXE Analysis in a Medical Cyclotron at TENMAK-NUKEN
G. Türemen, S. Bulut, U. Kaya, D. Porsuk, N.O. Serin, E. Yeltepe
TENMAK-NUKEN, Ankara, Turkey
Funding:Turkish Energy, Nuclear and Minerals Research Agency A 30 MeV cyclotron is operated at TENMAK-NUKEN for producing medical radioisotopes with three beamlines and a fourth beamline is dedicated for research purposes. The minimum energy of extracted proton beam from cyclotron is 15 MeV. There is no facility in Türkiye for applying ion beam analysis techniques (IBA) currently. These techniques generally require 1-5 MeV proton beam energy. An energy degrader system was designed and installed on the R&D beamline for this purpose. The degrader system is capable of decreasing the energy down to 1 MeV with pA to uA current levels. A high vacuum irradiation chamber is designed and installed at the end of the beamline. The chamber has ports to install several types of detectors for different IBA techniques. This work includes the description of the setup and preliminary PIXE measurements.
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