Author: Rimmer, R.A.
Paper Title Page
TUP031 Beam Test of a Harmonic Kicker Cavity 254
  • M.W. Bruker, J.M. Grames, J. Guo, J. Musson, S.A. Overstreet, G.-T. Park, T.E. Plawski, M. Poelker, R.A. Rimmer, H. Wang, C.M. Wilson, S. Zhang
    JLab, Newport News, Virginia, USA
  • M.H. Pablo, B.F. Roberts, D. Speirs
    Electrodynamic, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
  Funding: Work supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Nuclear Physics under contract DE-AC05-06OR23177. Multi-Harmonic driver development supported by SBIR DE-SC0020566.
A har­mon­i­cally res­o­nant kicker cav­ity de­signed for beam ex­change in a cir­cu­la­tor cooler* was built and suc­cess­fully tested at the Up­graded In­jec­tor Test Fa­cil­ity (UITF) at Jef­fer­son Lab. This type of cav­ity is being con­sid­ered for the in­jec­tion scheme of the Rapid Cy­cling Syn­chro­tron at the Elec­tron-Ion Col­lider, where the spac­ing of neigh­bor­ing bunches de­mands very short kicks. Op­er­at­ing with five trans­versely de­flect­ing modes si­mul­ta­ne­ously that res­onate at 86.6 MHz and con­sec­u­tive odd har­mon­ics thereof, the pro­to­type cav­ity se­lec­tively de­flects 1 of 11 elec­tron bunches while leav­ing the oth­ers un­per­turbed. An RF dri­ver was de­vel­oped to syn­the­size phase- and am­pli­tude-con­trolled har­monic sig­nals and com­bine them to drive the cav­ity while also sep­a­rat­ing the modes from a field-probe an­tenna for RF feed­back and dy­namic tun­ing. Beam de­flec­tion was mea­sured by sweep­ing the cav­ity phase; the de­flec­tion wave­form agrees with ex­pec­ta­tions, hav­ing sub-nanosec­ond rise and fall times. No emit­tance in­crease is ob­served. Har­mon­i­cally res­o­nant cav­i­ties like the one de­scribed pro­vide a new ca­pa­bil­ity for in­jec­tion and ex­trac­tion at cir­cu­la­tors and rings.
* G.T. Park et al., "Beam exchange of a circulator cooler ring with an ultrafast harmonic kicker", Phys. Rev. Accel. Beams 24, 061002
DOI • reference for this paper ※ doi:10.18429/JACoW-IBIC2023-TUP031  
About • Received ※ 14 July 2023 — Revised ※ 09 September 2023 — Accepted ※ 12 September 2023 — Issue date ※ 27 September 2023
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