Author: Manceron, L.
Paper Title Page
Recording Series of Coherent Thz Pulse Shapes with Up to 88 MHz Repetition Rate at Soleil, Using Photonic Time-Stretch  
  • C. Szwaj, S. Bielawski
    PhLAM/CERLA, Villeneuve d’Ascq, France
  • J.B. Brubach, M. Labat, L. Manceron, P. Roy
    SOLEIL, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
  • C. Evain, M. Le Parquier, E. Roussel
    PhLAM/CERCLA, Villeneuve d’Ascq Cedex, France
  Funding: ANR/DFG ULTRASYNC, CEMPI LABEX, CPER Photonic for Society
Record­ing THz sig­nals in sin­gle-shot is re­quired in var­i­ous ac­cel­er­a­tor ap­pli­ca­tions, in­clud­ing real-time stud­ies of elec­tron bunch shapes, and user-ap­pli­ca­tions em­ploy­ing co­her­ent THz syn­chro­tron ra­di­a­tion. For this pur­pose, many ac­cel­er­a­tor fa­cil­i­ties have im­ple­mented laser-based mea­sure­ment sys­tems known as elec­tro-op­tic de­tec­tion. This con­sists of ¿im­print­ing¿ the un­known ter­a­hertz wave­form on a shot laser pulse, that is sub­se­quently an­a­lyzed. Few years ago a new vari­ant of this method, time-stretch elec­tro-op­tic de­tec­tion [1,2], has been in­tro­duced with the aim to cope with high rep­e­ti­tion-rate ma­chines. We pre­sent the cur­rent record in rep­e­ti­tion rate (up to 88 MHz), that has been ob­tained at the AILES beam­line of the SOLEIL fa­cil­ity. We also pre­sent the pro­jects aim­ing at reach­ing long record­ing win­dows and/or high band­width [3] using time-stretch, as well as the ex­pected fun­da­men­tal trade-offs linked to the quest for high rep­e­ti­tion rate.
[1] E. Roussel et al., Scientific reports 5.1 (2015): 1-8.
[2] S. Bielawski et al., Scientific reports 9.1 (2019): 10391.
[3] E. Roussel et al., Light: Science & Applications 11.1 (2022): 14.
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